Saturday, 31 August 2013

Shakespeare and Company Paris


Me and Kerrie leaving our Mark 

Got my stamp, so so happy =)


Shakespeare  and Company is a little bookshop in Paris; full of beautiful books and loaded with history.  It was even a haven for writers such as James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway, just to name a few.

Shakespeare and Company is among one of the most famous book stores in the world. So if you are ever in Paris, it is definitely worth a visit.  Also if you grab a book that catches your eye...don't forget to stamp your book with the Shakespeare and Company logo.

You should also have a look at this article from buzz feed " 16 book stores to see before you die"...

Here are some pictures from my visit to the Shakespeare and Company in 2012. You're not allowed take pictures in there so shhh! =)

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

It's good to have goodreads!

Good Reads

While reading so many books, you tend to lose track of what you have read.  Not anymore, Goodreads to the rescue.  Here's the link if you don't already have it

Basically goodreads is designed to organise books you have read, want to read and are currently reading.  You can find recommendations similar to your own interests. You can also stalk your friends and see what they are reading :)

Other users can publish reviews and all users have the opportunity to rate books they have read.  The site also allows you to join books clubs that focus on specific topics i.e. comedy, romance and so on.  It's also great if someone recommends a book to you, just type it into the search bar and save the book for future safe keeping. Bam, Bob's your Uncle.

I love this website because it is way more organised and easier to use compared to other sites like it.  It is definitely the best I've used so far.

So if you're starting to forget what you've read; jump on the goodreads bandwagon.  You will never forget a book you have read ever again :)

Here's a sneak peak at my profile

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Book Club

It comes to that time of year when you stress over what to buy someone...Christmas! Every year I get a present I'm very thankful for the thoughtful gesture and really don't expect to get anything as I am an adult now. I'm a firm believer in Christmas being for the kids and for them to be spoiled.

I think everyone always thinks the same thing...why am I buying this for them; they'll probably hate it. Sometimes I do get a little disappointed when I open up my present and find something I generally have no interest in. I hate that feeling because I should be happy to get something in the first place. Although once I did get shower gel as part of secret Santa; do I smell? thanks!

It has always baffled me the cost some people would go too when I'd be so happy with just a simple book. It wouldn't even have to be a new one. A simple book from a charity shop for one euro and you'd have the happiest girl in the world.

For me, it's the thought that counts and finally last Christmas I got my wish :) My youngest sister hinted that she had bought me something. Even though we always tell each other not to buy anything but that never happens. She told me she ordered it on-line...great clothes :( but to my delight I was very wrong! She bought me three amazing books; she'd researched the books on-line that matched my interests and she really nailed it in one.  I was so happy one of the books was even on my "to read list".

The books she got me; drum roll please... were...The Life Pi by Yann Martel, City of Bones(Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare and Divergent by Veronica Roth.  The Life of Pi was recently released in the cinemas; it is a great read; definitely a classic!  City of Bones and Divergent are very different from the life of Pi but had me written all over them. Thanks Sis.

City of bones is a fantasy novel, sporting shadow hunters and all things mysterious. It's soon to be released in the cinemas this summer featuring our very own Robert Sheehan, Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Aidan Turner; so get your hands on the book before it gets out.  Divergent was my favourite out of them, love, loved it! Basically to sum it up it's kind of like a caste system (not really but it's the easiest way to describe it) but you decide your caste. If you pass the tests you're in but if you fail you're out and caste-less. The characters are excellent, it's full of adventure and an unbelievable ending that sets the bar for the next book; which I can't wait to read.  First I must get through my own mountain of books before I buy another book!

City of Bones

Life of Pi

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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Sookie Stackhouse Novels by Charlaine Harris

True Blood

Hello fellow book lovers,

This is my first blog post so here it goes...

I've been reading the Sookie Stackhouse Novels the past few years now and all I have to say is they are great! My sister annoyed me so much about the True blood series, I watched them to keep her happy but secretly I fell in love with it which is why I started reading the books.

The books were similar towards the series at the start but as the series went on I feel it drifted from the books, but hey that's not such a bad thing; now I get to enjoy two different stories.

The books are very easy, enjoyable and quick to read. It's fun filled with humour, drama and the all important romance; with strong characters you fall in love with. If you have never heard of True blood or the Sookies Stackhouse Novels, they would really suit people who love fantasy especially with vampires and werewolves thrown into the mixture.

There is 13 books so far and I'm just about finished All Together Dead.  I try to read other books between them to make the series last longer.

Well I hope you liked my blog post.

Blog soon J